Calendar September 18, 2014 03:40

CRM for Tax Companies

If you are a tax professional of any kind, whether you are a certified public accountant or handle tax work in another capacity, you know what a headache keeping everything straight can be. Not just who needs what, but also who hasn’t checked in so far this year, who has checked in but hasn’t followed up, and who are the potential new clients you need to get in touch with. This is a juggling act at the best of times, but during tax season the demands on your time can be overwhelming.


crm for tax company
CRM for tax company










OnSite CRM can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches by helping to manage your customers simply and efficiently. Not only that, we can provide you with a clean, integrated system that does it all, letting you dump the old way of doing things and step up to our CRM system that is both efficient and intuitive. With OnSite CRM everybody in the office uses a single system, improving efficiency and your bottom line.


A Powerful CRM Platform

OnSite CRM for tax companies gives you the power to get the job done. Our system offers you a complete customer relationship management system. Track your leads, inquiries and clients across every department in your company. Anybody in your operation can enter data about a client, and everybody else can see it. This keeps the whole team on the same page and presents an excellent image of your company. You know the entire history of every client’s contact with your company, so you’re prepared to talk to them and help them, often before they even realize themselves that they need your services.

Integrated Verticals

One of the great benefits of working with OnSite CRM is that this system is far more than just a way to manage your clients. With our integrated tax professional vertical system, OnSite puts everything at your fingertips and makes it easy to manage. You no longer need one kind of software for the front office and something else for the back office. OnSite CRM does it all.

With our integrated verticals you can track a client, provide an electronic review of the client’s needs, identify the necessary tax forms for the specific situation, prepare them and print them out. We even give you a time-saving electronic client interview. Once everything is delivered to the client you can use the CRM to follow up to check on customer satisfaction; all this without jumping from system to system. It’s a proven fact that the more you have to handle data the greater the opportunity for error. With OnSite everything is in one place and there’s no chance for data errors to sneak in between the front and back offices.

Email Campaigns

We know your emails are important to you, and a great email campaign is essential to the success of your business. To give you the best possible experience, OnSite CRM has partnered with SMTP to give you the best delivery service available for your email campaigns. This is a top-notch company with over a decade of history delivering emails and making sure they get where they need to go. They are publicly traded and have set the standard that all other email delivery services strive for.

SMTP reaches more in boxes than any other service. Even when clients have requested the information, 22% of emails from businesses never make it to the client. SMTP has the highest rate of deliver ability in the industry. Don’t let your drip campaigns go down the drain – work with a partner that delivers the best.

Contact OnSite CRM now to step into the world of full-spectrum CRM and integrated verticals. Stop costly errors and wasteful jumping from one system to another. Let OnSite CRM handle it all and save you money every day.

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Calendar August 11, 2014 05:50

Blogger Blogger

Paying Attention to the Details

Paying Attention to the Details

A customer relationship management system can do more than just tell you who’s on the phone and what your customers might want to buy. A good CRM system can also help you pay attention to all those little details that are so important in running a business, things that may get overlooked in the day-to-day hustle and bustle.

Automated Reporting and Analytics

Being able to track trends, sales, and the buying habits of individual customers is a great way to stay on top of what’s going on with your business.  Tracking this information the old way is not only tedious it can be costly in terms of the man hours required to identify and enter all of the appropriate information and then get it back in some type of usable format. CRM systems remove the hassle and headache from this essential marketing chore. The nature of CRM means that everything you need to know about your customers is already in the system, ready to go. You just have to ask for it.

A good CRM system has the capability to give you all of the reports and analytics you might need to answer important questions about your business. You can easily find out who is buying what, what you have that’s selling and what you have that isn’t. CRM reports can also help you take a good look at your sales pipeline to see how it’s working and where things tend to bog down. With the centralized data storage that is built into CRM, you can answer these questions and many more at the touch of a button.

Maximizing Cooperation and Coordination

Since everyone in the company shares the same CRM platform, they are all on the same page when it comes to what’s going on in the company. They all work from the same data and they all see the same reports. No more finger-pointing when things aren’t going right; the customer relationship management system makes everything clear because everybody sees the same information.

Suddenly sales, customer service, and marketing can all come together and work as a team. Goals are clear and what needs to be done to reach them are out in the open as well. Less time is spent on trying to decide who should be doing what and more time can be spent on actually doing it. The common, everyday administrative tasks are handled by the system so that your employees can focus on their jobs.

Handling the Details

The average company spends countless hours making sure records are kept current, appointments get scheduled, and follow-ups happen as they should. You may even have a person or two in your own company that spends the day handling these functions. It’s a tedious task, but a necessary one, and attention to detail is essential. When you use a CRM system it all gets handled almost as if by magic. Changes are quickly and easily made in one place, such as on the master schedule, and then they automatically get made in all the other places, such as on individual calendars, saving many hours of time and possible missed communications on a daily basis.

Even though many people think that a CRM system is nothing more than a marketing tool, it can bring so much more to your company. Once you get one you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

To know more information about the author and crm for tax company please visit here.

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Calendar August 7, 2014 06:23

Boost Revenue with Better Visibility through CRMS

The nature of the Internet and the many changes brought about by it and related technologies ultimately mean that your customers and your marketing team are spending a lot more time talking to each other. While this can be a good thing in the long run, it puts a serious burden on your staff. One of the things you need to consider is whether or not everybody your team is going to be on the same page when talking to their customers.

That’s where your customer relationship management system can really pay for itself and then some. A CRMS lets every person in your company see the same information about every customer every time. This insures that the entire team is working together instead of each one starting over with new and different data every single time.

But CRM doesn’t stop there. A great system is going to do so much more than just let you track customer info; if you’ve got the right system in place it’s going to help you take a close look at the entire process. The increased visibility provided by a customer relationship management system is your best friend when it comes to putting the entire sales process under the microscope and analyzing what’s working and what isn’t.

What you want is a CRMS that allows you to capture and scrutinize certain kinds of data. Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

Secure and Reliable Database

Your customer relationship management system gives you a secure, reliable place to keep all of the data for every customer contact, both new and old. This is an essential part of the process.

From Stranger to Contact

Your CRMS keeps track of everything you need to know about every person that makes contact with your company. This starts when the person first arrives on your website as an unknown visitor and continues until he becomes a paying customer.

From Contact to Customer

Use your CRMS to follow contacts to determine what eventually happens to them. CRM reporting and analytics will fill you in on what happens to these people through every step of the contact process. Use the system to track activity and review the ultimate outcome.

To sum it all up, when you’re using a customer relationship management system you’ve got much better visibility of your customers and their details; it’s easy to find the answers to all the tough questions of the past. You’ll know who these people are, where they come from, and just how many leads you’re getting from each different source that you use.

More than that, you’ll know the quality of your leads. At what point do your leads convert to sales, or where do you lose them? Where do your best leads come from, and where do those that fail to convert originate? Your CRM will help you boost revenue by answering these and many other questions through increased visibility of the marketing and sales process, every step of the way.

To know more information about the author and small business crm software please visit: –

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